Based in Milan, where we were founded in 2010, we are a company devoted to furniture and construction, and are involved in architectural and interior design projects too. Though the company is now in its 6th year, our founders bring two decades’ experience to the work that we do, and have built a reputation for inventive and practical work across Europe and beyond, acquiring some big name clients as we grow. Creating a design solution for BMW ? We’re still smiling about that. The pieces that we create are varied. What they share is a philosophy in fact, less a way of thinking than a way of existing in the world, dawn more nature and the human body than any particular theorists or schools of design. We are stillness, and we want to maintain that fresh outlook. We know that we know very little – and that we can learn. And we learn best from nature’s solutions, it turns out. That approach accounts for the very distinctive look that our work has. We’re confident about creating pieces that seem radical ways, we’re acknowledging something nature has done eternally. We consider ourselves lucky to live in a time when computer technologies allow us to conceive and instruct shapes that would have been impossible with traditional methods. We also have access to materials that in some cases didn’t even exist a few years ago, and the production capacity to manufacture up to 100 of each design over the course of a year. Mother Nature is an exquisite teacher. And we continue to learn, and look forward to learning more, in the years ahead.